Children with heart disease may be increasingly overweight

According to a new study, Children with inborn heart disease are more overweight than similar children a generation ago, raising their risk of heart attack and heart disease as adults. In these children have a higher body mass index and a heavier left ventricle, the main pumping chamber of the heart, according to a Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center study. A heavier left ventricle is a known risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Dr. David Crowley said,” Those who had surgical measures as children to fix common congenital heart defects and are overweight or obese may be at increased risk. Because anytime the heart is stopped for open heart surgery and put on cardiopulmonary bypass, it is negatively affected.

It is necessary that overweight kids lose weight, especially those who have been on bypass, and it is essential that more studies be done to address the impact of the obesity epidemic on the long-term outcome and cardiovascular health of children with congenital heart diseases.